Set A Precedence


Can someone please tell me why we seem to set ourselves up for failure on a regular basis in the fire service?  We know what it takes to be successful, yet we refuse to step up to the plate and play ball.  That ends now.  Use today as a new beginning.  

Being disciplined is step one is solving most of our issues.  If you are unable to say you are disciplined, there is only one reason why you are not.  That reason is you!  You must step up to the plate and make a commitment.  Lead the charge.  Start with small wins every day.  Wake up and make your bed.  Clean up after yourself.  These mundane small tasks will count as wins early in the day and fuel you to conquer the rest of the day. 

The small tasks won’t put out fires or save babies.  You have heard pretty hose pulls better.  This is correct, but I believe the hose pulls better for a reason obscured from the masses.  Pretty hose pulls better because the ones who packed give a shit.  These are the ones that don’t pack it once and leave it.  It is packed pretty because it was pulled multiple times to get a drop point right, or a clamp slide perfected.  

Tucking in your shirt won’t win you any award.  But what it will do is set the precedence to anyone that sees you.  Coming to work and putting your gear in a position to do work will set a precedence.  Its ok to be weird.  Set the precedence within your organization.  Be uncommon among the uncommon.  Change the roll of TP before it runs out. 

Someone wise recently said to take your information at hand and involve the group you are surrounded with.  Pick at it slowly, make small changes.  Continue to be vigilant.  Don’t be harsh, or drastic.  The goal is to include them in quality reps and make them better at their job.  We cannot do this if we constantly bash them and call them weak for not training.  Include them in your drill and let them succeed.   

At the end of the day my primary concern Is on THEM.  My primary concern is you being able to come save my kids.  Start in your firehouse.  Make the best damn crew.  Period.  Lead your brothers & sisters to jump to that next level.  It doesn’t matter if its level 2 or level 99 push them to be better at their job.  Fin.


The Bathroom Bermuda Triangle


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