Firemanship - A Journal For Firemen

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The Lottery

How many stories have you heard about people winning the lottery and that being the worst thing that ever happened to them? Have you ever wondered why?

Winning the lottery would be GREAT! I could buy a new house, with no mortgage, I could buy a new truck, a boat, live on the beach and just relax. Wouldn't that be great? No' it wouldn't.

People are made to work, and when we just relax and do nothing' we collapse. And thus, winning the lottery can be the worst thing that ever happens to a person.

Well, I've got news for you. If you are a paid member of a fire department, you already won the lottery. There are less than a half a million of us!

Are you squandering your winnings? Are you 10 toes up in the day room or in your bunk most of the day? Or are you a 1%er? Do you get better EVERY day, not just every shift?

See, people are made to work, and FIREMEN are CREATED to work. We are REQUIRED to MASTER our craft. Take a look at that winning lottery ticket, really take a good, hard look at it. You won!

Do you want to waste it, or do you want to make that winning ticket the greatest thing that ever happened to you, your company, your department and MOST importantly, the community that you SERVE?