Firemanship - A Journal For Firemen

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Be A Fucking Wolf

The following quote makes me smile, though I’m not sure i advocate on behalf of eating people....

“Be a fucking WOLF. Take no shit. Set Goals, SMASH THEM. Eat peoples faces off. Be a BETTER PERSON. Show people who the fuck you are. NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR BEING AWESOME. Stay the mother fucking course. BE A WOLF.”

For a million reasons that I don’t wish to analyze at this point there are those in our fine service who just wish to exist, fly under the radar and get by with the minimum or less.

But that’s not acceptable. That shouldn’t be what you signed up to do and it certainly isn’t what your community expects of you.

They expect you to be a wolf.

But why a wolf? Why should they expect you to be a wolf and why should you want to be one?

Because the wolf is the perfect mixture of aggressiveness and control, instinct and knowledge, self-reliance and group dependence. A wolf leads, yet nurtures. It’s independent, yet loyal and devoted. It’s wary, yet trusting. It is not remorseful for who it is or how it lives and it leads its pack by example.

The wolf has long been a storied, mysterious and controversial creature. But the wolf hasn’t changed. He just keeps being the wolf.

You’ve learned his behaviors because he’s consistent and predictable.

He’s going to do what’s best for the pack first and what’s best for himself only after the pack’s needs have been taken care of.

The wolf has perseverance and purpose. The wolf stays on track and stands it’s ground.

While researching for this article I came across some quotes related to or about the wolf. Although the quote at the top of this article pretty much sums it up, I believe the others all have relevance to the fire service. They are in no particular order.

“Don’t be a lion, rather be a wolf. Earn the alpha spot, dominate your competition and ignore the opinions of sheep.”

Don’t come into this job thinking that you are owed anything or that you are the dominant force. You are not. Take the time to earn your position. Watch and learn. Listen and understand. Don’t let the opinions of the sheep, those who only wish to exist at the minimum and follow, guide your growth. When the time is right, if you’ve developed yourself appropriately you will become the dominant force.

“Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stand apart but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes.”

During your career there will be tests. You need to feel confident enough in yourself and your abilities, your morals and ethos to step away from the group and make a stand for what you believe. You’ll need to be self-reliant and have the perseverance and purpose to stand-alone.

However, there will be times when you’ll be needed to support the pack and times when they will need you to be a strong part of the foundation that upholds your organization.

Rudyard Kippling said, “For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.”

There will be many times when you will seek the support of your brothers and sisters. In order for them to be there for you, they must know that you will be there for them. There when they need you, with out question and with everything you have.

This does not only apply to your brother and sister firefighters. We often call upon the public for support. And they will be there when you need them, but only if you show them that you’re really there for them when they need you. Go the extra mile. Do what’s right and show everyone that you’re committed to the mission.

“Respect the elders, teach the young cooperate with the pack. Play when you can, hunt when you must rest in between. Share your affections, voice your feelings, leave your mark.”

Those who’ve gone before us have set the stage for everything that we have. They have paid the price and put in the time. They are not simply a burden we carry or someone who’s in the way. They have done your job, they have built up experiences and knowledge and quite often will have done it under more trying circumstances than you’ve yet experienced.

Learn from them and pass it on. It’s our burden to raise the next generation. We cannot simply complain about their shortcomings, we are responsible for showing them the way.

We must create, nurture and grow the team. It is the team and the support of all those who are on it that will collectively create the conditions for success.

Take time to relax. Get to know each other on a personal level, enjoy each other’s company and do it when the stakes are low. When your forced in to battle and things are not going well, it’s the bonds created during those relaxing times that will give you the trust and strength to continue on.

Go on the hunt when you must. Call out those who are not living up to the ethos of your organization or the expectations of those we serve. But be respectful and don’t just attack for the sport of it. Do it in a way that is beneficial to all.

Someone said to me today that they don’t really like the wolf because they pray on the weak. That is an absolute truth. But look beyond the surface of that. In nature the weak are the young, the old or the sick.

That may seem harsh but we’re not taking about humans here we are talking about wild animals. When the sick are cleared out the heard becomes stronger, the old have lived their lives and now serve to pass themselves on for the benefit of others. When the young succumb, it’s often because the heard did not live up to their full capability, or chose to protect themselves at the cost of others.

Make sure to show your affections for those who mean something to you. Whether it’s your family or those with whom you work. They need to know how you feel. It’s important to them and should be to you as well.

Don’t be afraid to speak up for what you believe in. Make sure you can effectively defend it and it should be what’s right for the pack (you, your fellow firefighters, your organization and those you serve.) If you don’t speak up or speak out who will?

Leave your mark. Your legacy will be carved by the work you did, the effort you put forth and your interactions with those you met along the way. Your capability, effectiveness and integrity will be the traits upon which you will be ultimately evaluated.

“Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack.”

Get out there and get in it. Immerse yourself in this job, and in what it means to be a firefighter. Train, hone your craft, get out of your comfort zone and make yourself better than you were the day before.

Wolves succeed in their hunts just 1 in 10 times. But they are not deterred. They learn, they hone and they improve. Then they try again. They do not quit until they are successful. They know that their survival is dependent on getting it right.

Jump into the deep end of your career and swim there until you are leading the way.

The wolf doesn’t look back. The wolf doesn’t let others define him. He’s always a wolf.

He’s an apex predator. He’s at the top of his game. For the wolf second best is not good enough.

The wolf is committed 24/7/365. He’s always a wolf.

When the shit hits the fan who do you want to be? Do you want to follow others and be at their mercy or do you want to be the wolf and define you future?

You’re a fireman.... Be the fucking WOLF..... it’s what they expect from you.

As always.... Be smart and do your job!