Let’s Get Weird



In case you were not aware, the choice to be a firefighter comes with a potential outcome that involves you dying. By accepting to be in the line of work that involves you possibly having to rescue another life, you also have accepted their standards. The public expects, when they call and say they are trapped in a house on fire, that we come and save them and put the fire out. Has there ever been anything other than this promoted by the service? No. Now that we have that out of the way, let's get weird.

So here you are on a Sunday afternoon in your firehouse. The rest of the crew is watching a sports game on TV laid out in recliners. You are itching to try out the new leather helmet strap or practice using your new gloves, but you don't want to be the only one not hanging out during 'family time'. Let me be the first to say, 'family time', is not going to get you masked up in under 20 seconds. Getting your ass out in the bay and practicing is the only way to surpass that goal.

Start pulling hose, practicing search techniques, doing mask drills for time, or going over the tools on the rig. It's ok to be the only one in the bay after meals training. It's ok to be the only one stretching lines on a holiday. It is ok to be the only one working on breathing techniques. Be the one who checks the rig off in all your PPE. Integrate your daily workout to include gear drills, search drills, and moving hose. This will not only help you be one with all of your equipment but also help you learn the rig better than anyone else.

It's ok to care about your life and the lives of everyone you swore to protect. The ones sitting on their asses, and expecting their skills to show up when the shit hits the fan, do not care about you or anyone else. No matter what they say, if they were a true brother or sister they will be standing next to you in the bay. No matter how weird they think you look, or how many looks of disgust you get, or how many times you get called weird.

Just remember, IT'S OK TO BE WEIRD!

If you are not this person or you notice someone else in the department who is, befriend them. Check up on them. The most important thing we can do for our fellow brothers and sisters is to simply ask how they are doing. Create a network of brothers and sisters that truthfully have each other's backs.

Anyone I know who is a solid firefighter already promotes and practices all of this. Find these people and make them your mentors. We have to take the service back over from training that is unrealistic, online, or half assed. This cannot be the only source of training and preparation we do. Start somewhere and keep training alone and you will be amazed at how often other people will start following you. If you are as lucky, as I am, to have a list of amazing mentors, you will be blessed with inspiration every day.


Pearl Harbor


Do Your Job.