What’s The Priority?

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We are company level firefighters. Our priority should lie in the execution of our craft, the execution of basic skills. When we arrive and are not prepared, shame on us.

Sadly, there are some fire service zombies out there who fail to see this priority. They fail to see what is required of us.

The demand for a high level of performance pumps grit and determination into some, and apprehension or apathy into others.

Forcing doors, stretching lines, venting buildings, and making the search are the priorities I speak of.

Out of focus are the ones that can quote the sick leave policy, but can't swing the axe and set the halligan. Lost are the ones that can navigate the grievance procedure precisely, but can't aggressively navigate their way down the hallway on a search.

We need to work to shift the priority in the ones who are lost. We do it through inclusion into our high standards. We do it by our example and our passion. We do it through positive and realistic training. We do this, and we can shift the focus of just a few drifters.

Will we save them all? Probably not, but we sure as hell better try! Let's shift the priority!


Am I Trying Too Hard?


Trophy Fighters