Firemanship - A Journal For Firemen

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Rules Of Engagement

The “RAPID” Intervention Team

The word Rapid is in the title for a reason. Your goal is to remove the down firefighter as fast as possible. All this technical shit is going to slow you down. Travel light and fast. Move your ass with a purpose. Your training needs to reflect these actions.

Problem Solver

You need to think as fast as you are moving. We should be problem solving every step of the way. If a team member has an issue someone needs to help them or complete their task while they are taking care of that issue. “I cant” should not be heard during the firefighter removal, figure it out.

Become Adaptable

This goes hand in hand with being a problem solver, things may change at any second. You may be exiting a different way than you came in. You may have found another down firefighter. The down firefighter may be to heavy for you to move by yourself. One of your team members may need rescuing. They may become another mayday. Stuff is going to happen, flow with it.

It Doesn’t Matter

You and your team may have a plan but it doesn’t matter. The environment that you may be facing can derail your ideally projected plan as soon as you enter the building. The fire doesn’t give a shit about your plan. Stick to the plan until it doesn’t work. Acknowledge that it doesn’t work and become adaptable. Figure it out, fix it and do it quickly. “Everyone has a plan ‘till they get punched in the mouth” -Mike Tyson.


It’s not about you, it’s about them. We should be under the mentality of “Move towards the sound of gun fire and kill everything,” you are their last chance. Your team needs to do everything in their power to have remove the down firefighter as fast and efficiently as possible. Even if this means finding the firefighter and converting them, then handing the firefighter off to a second team. Know what your teams limits are. Getting that firefighter to a fresh team for removal could be the key to a successful rescue and overall saving their life.

Lastly, if you come across a zombie, always double tap.