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Others have talked about this topic before me, all I'm suggesting is my perspective and how I fixed my own problem.

There feels like there is a stigma around drilling in the firehouse. No one has time, I'm tired, what do we do, we did that one last year, we just went to a fire, etc. These literally could go on forever.

How long will this continue? How long will people continue to lie to themselves?

These are all excuses for not being committed.

Do your damn job. Get out and drill.

It doesn't have to be a long drawn out thing, something simple, something basic is all that it takes.

I went to a high school without a football team, so I'm way behind the curve on football analogies. But they did have baseball, and I have also played baseball.

If you go to a professional baseball game early and sit and watch the warm ups, what are guys doing? Throwing, fielding baseballs, catching fly balls, etc. All of these are the simple basics of baseball. These are the same thing I did when I played baseball as a kid. Simple, basic, shit.

What wins baseball games? Some would say homeruns win, but so many players are good at hitting home runs.

Singles. Singles win baseball games.

Make drilling small and simple daily, eventually you will become better.

You can try to do this crazy long drawn out drill on a day and burn out all your energy trying to get it right.(trying to hit a home run) Or you can break that same drill down into pieces, and concentrate on a piece a day. (Hitting singles)

Success swinging singles.

This takes commitment not only to doing it, but to schedule it a week before hand. Scheduling it before hand makes it easy to stick to it because after you get around and check your schedule before going into work, you know what you have to accomplish for that day.

Most people commit themselves to the couch. Want to get off the couch and start a new habit because you know you should? Start with small drills and work up.

Once a day, turns into twice a day, which into three times, etc...If you put in the work and challenge yourselves, you will get results.

Results matter when a building is on fire and we still have a primary to complete.
