Firemanship - A Journal For Firemen

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According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of leadership includes the following; the office or position of a leader, the capacity to lead and the act or instance of leading. But do the true leaders in the today’s fire service fit into these definitions? I think not. Sure there is rank, but I have met plenty of ranking officers that do not have the capacity to lead. I have also met plenty of non-officers whose leadership qualities are felt when they walk through the door. Our leadership doesn’t have a set time or instance when it’s time to lead. We don’t always get to decide whose turn is next. Our leadership is a 24/7, 365 day a year quality that each of us must possess the moment we put on the uniform. Each and every one us needs to be ready to lead at a moment’s notice.

Leaders are Born, Not Made

Not necessarily. The decisions of who is in charge based on tenure are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Don’t get me wrong, I still believe in seniority. I still believe in (and have a great deal of respect for) the senior man on a crew or the barn boss at the station. They have taught me a great deal of the fire service values that I still carry this day. However, those who want to lead are a new breed in today’s fire service.

Ultimately, all of us have what it takes to be a leader. If you are a parent, you are a leader. If you were the captain of a sports team, you are a leader. Member of a church, social club, coach a youth sport, boy scouts. Those all make you a leader and have taught you the qualities of leadership. One of my favorite quotes about leadership is this, “Leadership isn’t difficult, but you’ve been trained for years to avoid it” (Godin, 2008, p 13). Isn’t that the case many of us were taught when we got into the fire service? I’ve had my fair share of the salty dogs that said “Just shut up kid and pay attention” and “Don’t ask questions, just follow my lead.”

But how do we learn if we can’t ask questions? How am I supposed to follow your lead if I have no idea where we are going? The fire service is following the in the footsteps of society and society needs a purpose. They are looking for someone to lead them in that purpose. We live in a global society and work in a global culture.

Today I know firefighters across the county and across the globe, where 20 years ago I knew most of the guys in the communities around mine. Today, the ability to share ideas and resources to become an effective leader are limitless. The ability to learn from the greatest minds of our craft is available at the click of a mouse. We don’t just learn from the guys (and girls) who sat in the seat before us anymore. We have the opportunity to develop ourselves with an endless amount of resources....if we are willing.

I Am Ready To Lead, Now What.

Leaders must be ready to challenge the status quo. Leaders must ask questions. Leaders must solicit from those above and below. Leaders must communicate. Leaders must learn. Leadership is a constant evolution and progression that doesn’t stop until someone shakes your hand and gives you a plaque that says thanks for serving. Leaders aren’t afraid to get it wrong. Some of my biggest and most memorable successes came from a collection times when I was wrong. Own up to it, get back in the ring and do it better next time. Then train until you can’t get it wrong.

Stay true to yourself and your message. The followers will come. Remember when I said everyone needs a purpose? Give them one to believe in. We are capable of doing some amazing things with the right direction. When the followers come, the critics will be right behind. A true leader doesn’t worry about pleasing everyone because simply put, it isn’t possible.

Create a culture that involves others in your growth and share in their success. Followers want to feel like they can contribute. We have all heard about the buy in. Give your followers a chance to contribute and the buy in will naturally follow.

Leadership is not some complicated formula. There isn’t a special club we get invited to when it’s our turn. The answers are right in front of us every day. The problem is that we don’t use them. One
of the best pieces of advice I have ever gotten is “You have to know what you don’t know”. The true leaders relentlessly pursue what they don’t know and find the answers. They don’t except the status quo. Leaders challenge the limits because in their mind there aren’t any. Know your purpose and believe in your message. Ask questions and don’t ask for permission. True leadership doesn’t fit into anyone’s definition.