Firemanship - A Journal For Firemen

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The fire service has dominated my life. I certainly say that with no disdain or regret as I have chosen to be involved at the level that I have participated over the years.

That said though we must seek a balance and peace in our lives.

The work that we do, without being mellow dramatic, has an effect on us both mentally and physically and because of that also on those around us.

Prior to being a career firefighter I was a volunteer. From my senior year in high school I volunteered in my home town as well as at the fire department near my college.

During that time, I met some great people, many of whom are close friends to this day.

At the same time, I made some choices that had negative effects on relationships that I was in. Mainly because the firehouse was an ever present force in my life. It was the number one priority and it shouldn’t have been.

Being young and dumb I let some people walk out of my life who didn’t deserve being second to anything.

Looking back, we realize that everything happens for a reason and I couldn’t be happier that things worked out the way they did, because now I have a family of my own that I love and wouldn’t trade
for the world. But I do wish those days of heart ache and pain long ago would have resolved in a better way.

The benefit of time and experience has taught me that you need to have balance in your life. You need to be able to walk away from the things that are negative forces and focus on the positive.

For me that was eventually stepping away from the volunteer fire service. Certainly it wasn’t a career/volunteer thing as I have volunteered for almost as long as I have been in the fire service and well after I became a career fireman.

It was more that I was able to identify that at that moment in time volunteering as a fire officer was a negative force in my life. It was the source of much stress, both physical and mental and I was missing out on time with my family. There was very little in my life that I did that didn’t involve the fire service.

So I did what I needed to to do to create balance and peace in my life where I could.

BY doing so, the time that was freed up was now spent at home with my family and doing the things we loved to do.

For me it’s photography, painting and travel. And quite honestly just being at home with the family doing the things we love to do together.

I’m sure some of you will read this and immediately identify with what I am saying. For others it may take a little while longer.

I just hope that you’ll consider taking some time away from the fire service for your self and those those that are special to you. They love and respect you immensely for what you do, but they deserve your love and attention. Be good to them.

Although it’s vitally important, you shouldn’t just take time away for your family, you need to take some time away for yourself.

Whether you realize it or not, your career requires that you give so much of yourself every day.

You need to take a little time for yourself to do the things that you enjoy doing. Maybe it’s a mountain bike ride or a run. Maybe it’s coaching or hunting. What ever your ‘thing’ is, do it.

Don’t let it slip away to that I’ll get to it someday list.

Those are the things are what make you you. If you don’t make time to feed your soul, it becomes much easier for the negatives of this job to creep in and build a foundation.

Family, friends, hobbies, exercise and just getting away from dealing with other people’s problems for a little while is vital to being a healthy and effective fireman.

In order to have a long and productive career in the fire service you must take care of yourself, both physically and mentally.

This is a job that requires you to be all in when you’re on duty and responding. But by all means make sure there is time for you to be you, time for you to be the things your friends and family need you to be.

You have a finite amount of time on this earth. Be proud of and engaged in your work, but love your family and friends and feed your soul as well.

When you reach a point of balance and peace in your life you’ll be better at everything you do, I guarantee it.