What Kind Of Fireman Are You?

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There are unfortunately a few types of firemen out there. When in reality there should only be one.

Firemen are those individuals, regardless of gender, who live up to the standards set forth many years ago by those before us who dedicated their lives to something bigger than themselves.

These were individuals who stood for strong core values and employed solid firefighting tactics. They were dedicated to their craft and excellence in it because they knew the stakes were high and unforgiving.

They were the ones who built our service and nurtured it’s reputation.

The others are ones who over the years chose to veer from the path of true firemen. They chose not to be dedicated to their craft, they did not strive for excellence and they chose to live by a values system that was something less than admirable and through their actions tarnish the reputation of our great service.

While these individuals are firefighters, they are not firemen.

They are not what the public, the brothers and sisters or most importantly their families think they are.

They serve themselves first and everyone else only if the opportunity presents it’s self and generally only when it benefits their status.

They are cancer in our great service.

This journal will in no way pander or cater to this unfortunate subset.

We will, in fact, work to eradicate them by working diligently to bring you content that is rich in core values and solid tactics. We’ll work hard to bring you information that is meaningful to you and your quest to master your craft.

We believe in the fire service and it’s mission to save lives and protect property and we acknowledge that we may need to be in harms way in order to do so.

We believe in standing up for what the public expects of us and deserves.

We will do so by helping to educate firemen not only on strong tactics but also the more intangible parts of our craft.

Being firemen is not just what we do, it ‘s who we are.

We strive to not only accept that burden but excel at it. If that’s who you are or strive to be then we welcome you to join us on our journey.

With that said, welcome to our first edition. We sincerely hope you enjoy it and we look forward to working with you in raising the bar for our great service.

Be dedicated, be smart and be as safe as you can, but most importantly, do your job.



I Don’t Have A Death Wish…