Firemanship - A Journal For Firemen

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Respect as defined by the dictionary is “a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.”

Based on this definition we can reasonably conclude that in order for one to be held in a position of respect, their abilities must first be developed, the qualities must be possessed and the achievements completed.

That would lead us to then believe that respect is something that is earned over time and through significant effort.

It is not something bestowed upon us simply by our arrival in this service or via promotion to a position of rank.

It also would seem then, that it isn’t something that is necessarily taken with us from one position in life to another. Rather, it’s something that we must continually work to nurture and cultivate throughout our lives and careers.

As a probie, respect is certainly not assumed. But as a probie it should absolutely be given to others. As someone walking in the door, you are an unproven entity. You should understand that, and work quietly and diligently to prove your abilities and worth to the organization.

As a you move along in your career and knowledge and experience are gained, it is easy to assume that respect will come along with it.

However, that’s not always the case. The way you interact with people and treat those above and below you will weigh heavily on other’s perception of you and thus the amount of respect given to you.

It’s easy to set the ‘cruise control’ in this part of your career. But don’t be lulled into complacency here. The development of abilities, the nurturing and cultivation of qualities and the drive to achieve are just as important now as on day one.

Not all who grow older in this career will be given the respect of a senior man. Only those who have been successful in developing others respect as a person and fireman will be bestowed this coveted title. It should be held in the highest regard.

The responsibility to develop young firemen, challenge those above them and pass on the knowledge and experience gained by your time on the job and those who’ve gone before you, is critical for a department to function the way it should.

This position should not only be respected by those junior and senior to the senior man, but as importantly if not more so, by the senior man himself.

Those who CHOOSE to move into officer’s positions often become confused about how respect is applied at this level.

In order for an officer to be respected by their peers and subordinates, they must have effectively done the jobs required of them as they rose through the ranks and they must give respect to the position they are now in and the responsibilities of it.

If those are accomplished, they then must not forget where they came from, how they didn’t like being treated and that their position regardless of rank does not demand respect.

The respect given to you by your men and women is only as good as the respect that you give them. Treat them fairly and equally and with dignity across the board and they will do the same for you.

You cannot manufacture respect. You cannot become something you weren’t or aren’t. Firemen will see through it in a second.

Don’t try to gain respect by doing the things you think will make you look ‘salty’ or bad ass.

Gain it by doing your job.

Gain it by having strong core values and instilling them in your organization.

Gain it by never forgetting how important it is to be good at your job.

Gain it by not forgetting where you came from, but by also not forgetting the responsibilities of where you are today.

It takes years to nurture and cultivate a reputation and the respect of others, but it takes only mere seconds to destroy it.

So many have sacrificed so much in the name of our great service. No matter what your rank, no matter what your tenure, we should all be striving to give them and

the citizens we serve the highest level of respect by showing up, being engaged and DOING YOUR JOB.

Be smart, be as safe as you can and always, DO YOUR JOB!