When I came onto this job over 21 years ago, I had a vague idea about team work and how it affected what I’d be doing from that day forward.

In the years since that time, I’ve learned just how vital the team is to our success, and how challenging it’s absence can make each day.

I’ve seen crews unable to complete the most menial of tasks, simply because they couldn’t come together as a team. Conversely, I’ve seen the amazing work that can be done, when a small group of people comes together as one.

Individually, each of us brings a particular set of skills to the table, each one has strengths and weaknesses, and each one is capable of accomplishing an incredible amount on our own.

However, when those individuals begin to form a group around that same table, though it takes a little time, the whole begins to recognize the particular skill sets of its induvial members. And as that happens, those individuals begin to function as one, and soon that entity becomes a force too recon with.

The team develops that force by developing an understanding of and support for each of its individuals and by creating and cultivating relationships between them. It uses everything that everyone brings to the table to accomplish the missions it’s faces.

It will learn the important role of each of those individuals, and call upon them to lead them forward through use of their specific skill sets.

When a group puts aside differences and individual ego for something larger than themselves there is little that team will not accomplish. Little that will hold them back from completing thier mission.

The ability for our individual members to function as a team is one of the most important components in our ability to carry out our obligation to those we serve and ultimately to each other.

I am proud to be a part of our team. I am proud of each and every one of our members, their abilities and accomplishments, both individually and as a whole. And I look forward to what we will accomplish moving forward.

Having that team, made up of the men it is, makes it easy to walk through the door each day. Seeing that team develop and grow reinforces in my mind that we can, and will, accomplish every challenge placed in front of us.

As firemen and as leadership, it is everyone’s responsibility to cultivate and nuture that team. If you take time to take care of the team, the team will take time to take care of you.

You can not expect that a group of individuals will come togehter and function as a team when the shit hits the fan, if they don’t come together as a team and as brothers in the time between those trying moments.

Take time to build those relationships and to cultivate your team.

Be smart, be as safe as you can and always, DO YOUR JOB!



