Firemanship - A Journal For Firemen

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I Don’t Have A Death Wish…

“I don’t have a death wish, I want to see my kids like the next guy.

but i know i have an obligation to do my job.”

There is an obligation that comes with this job that very few others have.

Regardless of your preparation that obligation does not change.

We must know the battlefield. We must know our enemy. We must be competent at using the tools at our disposal.

If you choose to not engage in that way, you do have a death wish.

Because you’re not smart, you’re not prepared, you’re not educated and you’re not doing all that you can.

You’re violating the oath you took.

You’re not doing all that you can for the victims, the brother’s and sister’s along side of you or your family at home.

You’re just getting by and getting by doesn’t cut it.

If you don’t engage, then you’ve failed your obligations as a fireman.