Welcome to the home of Firemanship - A Journal For Firemen

A Journal For Firemen.

A quick thought while driving down the highway led to the development of Firemanship – A Journal for Firemen. Why not create a periodical for the fire service based on the kitchen table? 

By that, we mean something that goes where the conversation goes, something that is free to talk about the things that get talked about at the table. Something that shares the love of the fire service with everyone and passes along to everyone the things that have been passed along to us or that we’ve picked up along the way. 

We’re not here to compete with anyone. We’re not here to stir the pot. 

We’re just here to help drive the discussions forward and do something that will hopefully make us all a little better for tomorrow. 

This website is the home base for all things Firemanship – A Journal For Firemen. 

Everyone is welcome here. 

Everyone has an opportunity here. 

We’d love to hear from you. Make a comment, write a blog, write an article, join us on a podcast or make a video. Get involved in your fire service, get involved in your journal. 

If you just want to read, watch, listen or comment, that’s cool as well. 

At Firemanship – A Journal for Firemen we’re about building each other and the fire service up. If you can’t keep that in mind, well then, keep steppin’. 

This is your fire service, and this is your journal. 

Join us and let do some work. 

Roll Call

One of the most important times of a shift, a few minutes to pass on information, evaluate the physical and mental well-being of the crew, set the stage and develop a plan for the day. At our roll call you’ll find information updating you on what’s coming up with the site and journal as well as other news and events that are important to all of us. 


The Watch Desk

The watch desk is the hub of information coming into the firehouse. Gamewell systems, phones, messages, dispatches and even video are to this day monitored from this important hub of firehouse activity. At our watch desk you’ll find videos, podcasts, and audio files with content from us and firemen from around the country. Stand by for incoming….


The Fire-Ground

This is where it all comes together, where we put it all on the line on behalf of those we serve. Here training, strategy, tactics, hard work, blood, sweat and tears become one and we either own the day or it owns us. We can never be too prepared for the battles we face. On our Fire Ground you will find articles based on strategy, tactics, training, and experience. Put your head down, put in the work, and get it done. 


The Kitchen Table

The spot in the firehouse where anything can happen, it’s the good, bad and ugly. It’s where we sit down and share our lives as a family. We bust humps, build each other up, learn and share. Sometimes these are the best conversations, sometimes they are a bit more painful. But in this room, at this table, it’s where it all gets worked out.  At our Kitchen Table you can find articles on anything and everything. Grab a cuppa coffee and have a seat at the table….


The Officer’s Quarters

Some avoid it like a plague, some spend too much time trying to get in, some can’t stay out no matter how hard they try. For the officer’s, it’s a place of respite, a few moments to clear your head, a place to track the day, get reports filed and plan for upcoming events. How an officer uses this space can be as diverse as their leadership styles.  In our Officer’s Quarters you’ll find articles on personal development, human behavior, management, leadership and team development. Hey, can you come to the office for a minute…..


Legends, Mentors and Stories

We’ve all experienced those people who were larger than life, who had a major impact on our lives and the paths we’ve taken. They didn’t get to the point where they could have that kind of effect on others by not going through some stuff on their own. In our Legends, Mentors and Stories section you’ll find the stories and experiences of those who have gone before us and of those who walk along side of us today. Did he ever tell you about that time…


The Galley

Firehouses and firemen are world renown for their ability to cook and eat. Food fuels us to do our jobs and brings us together as a family around the table. In our Galley you’ll find articles and recipes and all things food. Chow’s on….

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The Gym

Firefighting is hard work and take a significant toll on your mind and body. Physical and mental fitness a well as resiliency are the antidote to the path that is sometimes tougher than it needs to be. None of that is a given though, it requires hard work, determination and drive, all things those we serve expect from us. In our gym you’ll find articles and resources to keep your mind and body in the best condition possible to get the job done. Hey, I’m going to work out…


Off Duty

Balance is a key ingredient to a well-rounded life. Though many of us live and breathe the fire service, there needs to be time set aside for recovery, family and pursuit of ‘other things.’ The members of the fire service are diverse and so are their interests. Our Off-Duty section will take a look at the unique individuals and interests of the brothers and sisters of our great service. I didn’t know she did that…


The Quartermaster

Gear, tools, shirts and stickers seem to be the lifeblood of many us. They help us accomplish our tasks and they represent who we are and what we do. Stop by our Quartermaster and pick up some gear that helps you identify with a tribe of like minded individuals who are into this job and want to be the best they can at it. Hey, did you see that new shirt….

Sometimes We Struggle.


Struggle is a part of all of our lives. Sometimes the burden is more than we feel we can handle, and we need a little help from those who are around us, or those who have been through it before.

It’s ok and it happens to each and every one of us at one point or another. Know that there are people who care, people who understand, people who want to see you overcome the burdens you currently face.

All you have to do is reach out. They are there for you.

“You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or trouble your soul about things you can’t control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone.”

— Marcus Aurelius


Have a question or comment? Want to submit content? Hit us up!
